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Ports running NodeJS

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Our cPanel servers use CloudLinux NodeJS selector, CageFS, and LiteSpeed Web Server.

When managing a NodeJS app with a CloudLinux NodeJS selector, LSWS is a proxy for ws:// requests to the NodeJS backend when a WebSocket upgrade is requested. Best of all, no additional configuration is needed!

When testing a direct connection to a NodeJS server, use the following command:


When accessing a NodeJS server through an LSWS HTTPS proxy server, use the following command:


When a NodeJS server is started, the TCP socket is replaced with an auto-generated Unix domain socket. Hence, direct access to the TCP port may fail.

To test, you can create a file with the name index.js. Place the following content in the file:

var http = require('http');
var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
    res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
    var message = 'Yaay! It works!\n',
        version = 'NodeJS ' + process.versions.node + '\n',
        response = [message, version].join('\n');

Point your browser to http://domain.com/index.js and the result should be:

Yaay! It works!
NodeJS 10.0

Note! Any port specifications in the listen function are ignored. The server is processed by the Node.js function of LiteSpeed automatically.


When running a NodeJS server, the web server proxies the ports through ports 80 and 443. We do not open any additional ports for security reasons.

If you are running a NodeJS server, please ensure that you run it on either port 80 or 443.

Updated on January 24, 2024

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